Edelweiss (Leontopodium nivale (Cass.) Greuter) is the flower forming a link between all alpine countries, it is the hallmark of the beating heart of Europe. However, there is something else besides Edelweiss which ties the alpine states together: Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Italy - this is where decisions are taken in relation to the taste and design of international furniture construction, where trends are set and styles are shaped!

These countries are home to both the world's leading furniture suppliers and the innovative furniture industry as well as state-of-the-art cabinetry. And a unique network comprising the media, trade shows, federations, educational institutions and service providers has established itself around them. Edelweisspress Frank B Müller has been part and a partner of this cluster for many years now.



Public relations, public & investor relations, newsletters, handling of advertisements, support in the area of social and advertising media


Analysis and evaluation of companies and markets, development and implementation of communication strategies


Comprehensive supervision and management of trade associations and projects with the support of extensive networks


Research, interviews, creation, editing and distribution of press releases for the trade press, daily press and popular press


Initiation and maintenance of contacts and in key industries and countries, networks at both regional and international levels

Coaching & Events

Tailor-made training courses on communication issues in companies, event planning and organisation for B2B


Active in the timber and furniture industry since 1985: A varied career results in multifaceted contacts. My key business associates and contacts at the present time are:



Any service is inconceivable without partners. The many media representatives, some of whom I have been on friendly terms with for decades, shall remain nameless here. In particular, the companies set out below lend their support to me in my work: